Well it has been weeks of Mi Amor trying her best to recover from her surgery and dealing with excessive pollen at the same time. I felt bad for her. It was a rough spell. We have been pretty quiet through it all with me trying to keep her comfortable and make sure the house and dogs are taken care of. Outside of some edging we haven't really been able to "play" at all. But about 2 days ago Mi Amor let me know we were 2 weeks behind on my punishment and we will be getting to it. She did let me know that I have been attentive and busy taking care of things but we both know I need this to maintain my focus. So yesterday it was the day to get back on course. In the morning it was edging again. Only day 8 since last relief, but I was horny as hell!! Later on, after I had just showered, Mi Amor said "let's get your punishment done before I take mine". That means panties off and get myself ready on the horse. Ball ga...