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The Thrill Of The Tease

  Once we had made the decision of male chastity and the cage was on we now had to learn about this new lifestyle (new for us). So we began sharing info with each other and would experiment with things to see what fits our marriage.
  One of the most important things we discovered is tease and denial. Mi Amor was quite surprised that I was willing to be aroused to the point of climax and then be put away without the finish. I wasn't sure about it as I was never in this situation before. I was a full time masturbator so I never went without. Talk about something that will keep you focused on your woman!
  It did not take Mi Amor long to get the teasing down. She has her ways that she has developed that keep me wanting her. Always. I am amazed at some of what she comes up with on her own after some time as my keyholder. She is a tease!!
  Every night she gets a massage. These can be done a number of ways. We did purchase a massage table for this as we felt it would get good use since she has a kept husband and gets pampered all the time.
  Some nights it is done with her in a panty or short shorts. Other nights she is completely naked and allowing me to see her treasure and wish I could do more. Some nights I am allowed to kiss her treasure between massaging her front and back. Then at the end she says "thank you, that will be all tonight". So I am left with my cock slammed against my cage and dripping while I still taste her nectar on my lips. Ouch!!
  Occasionally she will tell me to remove my cage before her massage. I will give her a nice long rubdown and at the end she will have no problem saying thank you, now put your cage back on. With no relief. Another ouch moment....  . A very notable and effective tease is shower time. She will sometimes tell me to come in the bathroom after she gets in the shower. I kneel in front of the shower curtain uncaged and must edge myself the entire time she is showering. No cumming allowed. She will tell me when she is shaving her pussy and I can't look. Only imagine. She then lets me towel her off and then back in the cage.
  I guess my point is that the tease and denial play is endless. Every couple will find their own form of play if they get in to this lifestyle and both do their part in it. The communication you will develop will allow you both to grow in your roles. What is sexier that a powerful, stern and sexy woman who is in charge? Not much else for me.
  How far can teasing go? Well you will probably find out it can almost bring a man to tears if done right. And a stern and demanding keyholder can do it. I once had to go almost 40 day with no relief or entering my Goddess. A few night before it finally ended we had done a deep massage with lots of teasing and exposue. I thought sure I was getting relief this night. But at the end she said "not tonight, I don't think your ready yet". I was about to cry I wanter relief so bad. A few days later relief was granted and we made love. After that long it was the most beautiful thing I could imagine. We exploded together as is it was our first time together. She is amazing.


  1. Nice to see another blog on the subject of domestic discipline with the woman playing the active role. My partner spanks me for fun rather than as discipline, but I find the subject of DD fascinating. We have also discussed the possibility of chastity, but short term, not 24/7. I don't have time to write more just now unfortunately.

    Best wishes to you and your wife and I look forward to reading your blog in future, Jon.

  2. For us the chastity and discipline go hand in hand. Of course each couple needs to see what works best for their life.... 24/7 caged for us seemed to be the only way to go. She knows she is always in control and never worries about me masturbating or playing with my cock. When I finally get relief she knows I have been waiting obediently for the day to cum.... As far as DD, well she has come to realize there is playing and then there is discipline that brings about change. She said she isn't doing to waste her time. Well it is bringing results!!


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